Monday 11 February 2013

Rhinoplasty: Not Just For Beauty

Many young women dream of getting a nose job when they turn sixteen, despite ridicule from gossiping peers. But, rhinoplasty isn’t all fun and games. It is also an important procedure for men and women who have been in accidents and require facial reconstruction surgery, as well as for people whose nose don’t function properly. Although it is frequently done for purely cosmetic reasons, it can correct some serious medical conditions as well as bring the nose in line with the rest of the facial features and enhance the patients’ beauty.

Because it’s considered a cosmetic procedure, under most circumstances rhinoplasty will not be covered by insurance and if it is being done for medical reasons, it will most likely only be partially covered as insurance companies do not see the benefit in making sure a surgery looks good after it has been completed, even when it is front and center on the face.

Costs and Recovery

Since you will be paying upwards of five thousand dollars for your new nose, you should make sure that you like and trust the doctor you choose to work on your face. Before your rhinoplasty surgery, bring him pictures of noses you like, and he can talk to you about what he thinks will work for the shape of your head and with your facial features.  You can also use this opportunity to address any concerns you might have and talk about the procedure and recovery period.

The rhinoplasty itself will only take between one and three hours, though you will be under general anesthesia. In normal circumstances you can expect to go home right after you’ve gone through recovery and woken up in the hospital. After that is the hard part.

For the first week you’ll need to be mostly off your feet, and you’ll have a splint on your nose. Once the splint comes off the real work begins. You’re going to have bruising around your eyes and swelling in the nose for another six weeks or so, and won’t be able to see what your nose truly looks like until after the swelling has gone away. You may need to have stitches removed when the splint comes off, if your doctor didn’t use soluble stitches.

Getting a rhinoplasty is a big decision whether it is for cosmetic or medical purposes. Either way you can expect your procedure to make your life healthier, happier, and breathing easier as you confidently move through the world with a beautiful new nose.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Liposuction: A New Kind of Sculpting

Liposuction is a tool that can help make an already beautiful body even more so. Think of liposuction as a sculpting tool, and your doctor as a sculptor. Your plastic surgeon can look at your body and see what needs to be done to turn you into the most idealistic beauty you can be.

The Portraits
The first thing your doctor will do is take pictures of you from all angles, to discuss what he can do to improve your appearance with you. You can expect your doctor to mark up your photos with a sharpie to show you just how he can contour and improve your physical appearance. He will discuss with you why he feels things are necessary and you will have the opportunity to voice your concerns about the procedure as well as your desired goals. Although it may seem harsh or embarrassing, remember that your plastic surgeon is on your side. After you are satisfied with his work you can schedule your liposuction surgery for a time that is convenient to you and your doctor.

The Procedure
Most likely, your procedure will be an outpatient procedure done with a local anesthetic, and you’ll be sent home from the hospital that same day. Even if a general is used, you should expect to be back at home following your recuperation period later that day if there are no complications with your procedure.

At Home
You’ll need a few days of rest to recuperate after the procedure - both from the pain of the surgery and the after effects of the anesthetic. There will most likely be both bruising and discharge through your wounds. Your body will also be swollen and retaining water for a few weeks. Recovery is not pleasant or glamorous - so don’t schedule your surgery right before any major events, like a class reunion or a wedding. But once the swelling dies down you’ll see a whole new beautiful body that you will love every time you look in the mirror and can be proud of every day of your life.

Liposuction is, by far, the most popular elective surgery in the world. Liposuction is generally the area of women, but has been known to be done to men too. Better than dreaming of being a  Botticelli goddess, your plastic surgeon is a new kind of sculpture, sculpting your body into the perfect shape for you.

You can See Liposuction Before After Result Photos

Liposuction Before and After Result photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result Photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result Photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result Photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result Photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result Photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result Photos, images in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Before and After Result Photos, images in Mumbai, India